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Saturday 17 September 2011

Sir Syed Ahmed khan

Sir syed ahmed khan perhaps,is one the most prominent personality in Pakistan History...Born on 17 october 1817,Sir syed ahmed khan was an Islamic Reformer, an Indian Educator and a politician...He gave the idea of "Two Nation Theory".During the war of Independence 1857, he worked at East India Company, and put his life on the line to protect the British officers and there families..Many Mulims had a negative veiw about his efforts in the war..After the war Sir syed wrote a magzine named "Asbab-e-baghawaty Hindh",which highlighted the causes and misunderstandings which lead to 1857 war of Independence...Sir syed ahmed khan believed that,Muslims of the subcontinent should become the royal servants to the Britishers and learn there way of life in order to live a peace full life...Clearly this idea didnt suited the Muslims of the subcontinent due to religious believes,different backgroud and different way of life..So due to this reason Sir syed ahmed khan did a number of efforts for to bring Muslims and Britishers closer..He established Schools in Muradabd and Ghazi-pur,He set up scientific society which aimed at spreading westren knowledge and translating English books to Urdu..His biggest Achievement was the Establishment of Aligarh University...He wrote a number of books namely "Athar-us-sanad""Tahzeeb-ul-Iqlaq" and etc etc..He died on March 27 1989...!!!


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